Tula Yoga and Wellness, LLC
Denne virksomheten er i en annen tidssone.
Sikkerhet og hygiene
Tula Yoga and Wellness, LLC har oppgitt sine retningslinjer for sikkerhet, og de ble sist oppdatert 1.9.21.
Fully vaccinated individuals who can provide proof can practice without a mask. All other will be required to wear a mask at all times.
Retningslinjer for bruk av maske
Masks must be worn at all times while in the building unless proof of vaccination is provided.
Tiltak for fysisk avstand
Floor markers are in place to indicate safe distances.
We keep the windows open for fresh air and have two air purifiers running at all times.
tir. 11. feb.
Det er ingenting tilgjengelig å booke denne dagen.
Tula Yoga and Wellness, LLC anmeldelser
4,92 500+ vurderinger
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Ingen anmeldelser ennå.