Space 2B - Private Sessions
Denne virksomheten er i en annen tidssone.
Sikkerhet og hygiene
Space 2B har oppgitt sine retningslinjer for sikkerhet, og de ble sist oppdatert 5.9.24.
Retningslinjer for bruk av maske
You are recommended to have your face mask on at all times. Students have the option to remove during class.
Tiltak for fysisk avstand
We have reduced class sizes to accommodate the safe distancing of two metres spacing between each student.Due to reduced class sizes, we kindly ask you to cancel your class 6 hours in advance if you are unable to attend.
Ekstra hygienetiltak
Additional and increased frequency of cleaning and disinfectant measures have been implemented.Food grade hand sanitiser is prominently placed at our studio entrance and all guests are encouraged to use upon arrival.
Begrenset kapasitet
Maximum class size will be single or couple for private session.
søn. 2. feb.
Det er ingenting tilgjengelig å booke denne dagen.
Space 2B anmeldelser
4,997 vurderinger
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Ingen anmeldelser ennå.
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