Color Lab 1 Hair Salon
Denne virksomheten er i en annen tidssone.
Sikkerhet og hygiene
Color Lab 1 Hair Salon har oppgitt sine retningslinjer for sikkerhet, og de ble sist oppdatert 16.1.21.
Retningslinjer for bruk av maske
Staff members are required to wear a mask and gloves. All guests will also be required to wear a mask when entering the salon until further notice.
Tiltak for fysisk avstand
All clients will be entering in a timely matter according to their appointment times to ensure that the premise is not crowded. Every other station will be blocked out to maintain at least a six feet distance between each client.
Our HVAC system and HEPA filters the air throughout the entire salon.
Ekstra hygienetiltak
All equipment and work stations will be sanitized after every use. Towels and capes will be changed and washed between each client.
tir. 11. feb.
Det er ingenting tilgjengelig å booke denne dagen.
Color Lab 1 Hair Salon anmeldelser
4,813 vurderinger
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Ingen anmeldelser ennå.