Ariel Dance Productions
Denne virksomheten er i en annen tidssone.
Sikkerhet og hygiene
Ariel Dance Productions har oppgitt sine retningslinjer for sikkerhet, og de ble sist oppdatert 9.3.21.
Retningslinjer for bruk av maske
Staff and students are required to wear a mask inside of the studio.
Tiltak for fysisk avstand
Dance studio floors have been marked off with tape and 6-foot distance floor signs. Each student will have their own 6 foot box to stand inside and do all of their dancing. The box will have marked edges and an X in the center.
Ekstra hygienetiltak
Hand sanitizer stations at entry, before entering studios, in both studios, at reception desk, sound system cabinet, kitchen area. Disinfectant spray and paper towels are also available to disinfect touched surfaces.
Begrenset kapasitet
Maximum capacity in studio A is 8 and B is 6 people
tor. 30. jan.
Ariel Dance Productions anmeldelser
4,92 500+ vurderinger
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Ingen anmeldelser ennå.