Rolling Like a Ball
What is Rolling Like a Ball?
Rolling Like a Ball is a fun Pilates exercise that massages your back and engages your abs. While it’s a great back massage, this movement both requires and helps build strength and control.
How do you do Rolling Like a Ball?
Trinn 1
Begin in a seated position with your legs bent, toes pointed and knees toward your chest. Your arms should hold onto your ankles and your chin should rest on your knees.
Trinn 2
Roll your back onto the floor.
Trinn 3
Roll further back so your legs fall overhead. Make sure your spine stays rounded and your toes don’t touch the floor.
How do you modify Rolling Like a Ball?
Rolling Like a Ball for Beginners
Rolling Like a Ball for Weak Lower Back
Rolling Like a Ball for Tight Hips
What are the benefits of Rolling Like a Ball?
Core Strength
Back Stretch
Eksperten sier
Rolling like a ball is an exercise that’s mean to massage your spine.
Now, don’t get too excited here, because you’re still exercising. But it is a very nice way of feeling articulation through the back in a different way.
Sarah Ruback,Core Pilates NYC in New York City